Cocktail of the Week: Mimosa

It's what classy, lazy people drink...
It’s what classy, lazy people drink…

The last two weeks in the California legislature’s calendar are very, very busy times for me. I get to look forward to 12 to 24 hour days… So, that being the case I decided to keep this week’s cocktail simple. It also helped that I also already had everything I need to make them.

Mimosas are sophisticated drinks for sophisticated people. Also, an alcoholic’s breakfast. I went a quarter in college where I had a Mimosa for breakfast every day. I didn’t do any better in my studies. But, I did feel superior to everyone else in my classes!

So simple even the most decadent, hung over, wastrel could throw it together!
So simple even the most decadent, hung over, wastrel could throw it together!


  • orange juice
  • champagne (chilled)
  • orange wheel, but I prefer fresh berries

In a champagne saucer or flute, fill about a quarter with orange juice and top up with champagne. Garnish with wheel or toss berries into drink.

It tastes better when you drink it from real crystal...
It tastes better when you drink it from real crystal…

Mimosas taste as good as they did when I was in college! Well, better actually cause I’m not using $5 champagne anymore! Freshly squeezed orange juice would have made this drink even better. I’m busy this week though so that’ll have to wait. Mimosas are great because, like Bloody Marys, you can have them any time of the day and not be considered a lush!

Author: Jonathon

Would rather be out swimming, running, or camping. Works in state government. Spent a youth reading genre-fiction; today, he is making up for it by reading large quantities of non-fiction literature. The fact that truth, in every way, is more fascinating than fiction still tickles him.

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