APE 2013: My Stuff!

All my swag
All my swag

On Monday I talked about APE and shared with you pictures of the convention floor and some of the booths and artists. Today, I want to share with you some of the comics, books, pins, and cards I picked up! There’s quite a bit of it and I want to talk about the creators and their works! So, let’s get started.

The Convention guide and my badge
The Convention guide and my badge


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This is a custom drawing I had down by David Malki the creator of Wondermark, and Machine of Death! For the sketch I rolled two dice and matched the numbers on the dice to two tables and came up with the Rhino Lamp. David said it was the secret best drawing he could do and I’m inclined to believe him. David was also doing demoes for his recently successful kickstarter for the Machine of Death game but I didn’t get to see it.

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Two small comics by Jeanie Bryan and Matt Bryan and Please, Don’t Give Up by Thien Pham who did the art work for Gene Luen Yang’s Level Up.

A free 24 page (?!) comic that explains how to ride on BART (the Bay Area Regional Transit) light rail!
A free 24 page (?!) comic that explains how to ride on BART (the Bay Area Regional Transit) light rail!

’nuff said.

2013-10-13 11.12.32Book One of Paul Roman Martinez’s webcomic 19xx. Martinez’s booth had a lot of cool things in it that I couldn’t’ afford like model tanks, badges, pins, messenger bags, etc. I would have walked right past his booth if the cover for the second 19xx book didn’t leap off the table at me. I didn’t get that book… But, I did pick up the first one. I’m told it’s some sort of Diesel punk, which is like Steampunk but later?

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Kory Bing’s Skin Deep is a webcomic about creatures of myth and folklore trying to make a living in our modern world. Kory also does the artwork for Seanan McGuire’s Field Guide to cryptids. She had a bunch of postcards with cryptids on them. I got the Lake Monster because plesiosaurs are the best!

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Resident Fatal Game is a gamebook spoof of PSX era horror games by Ruth Halloran. Team Iron Crotch is from Ben Costa’s Shi Long Pan, the Wandering Monk web comic, and Jemma Salume makes Captain Kitten.

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The tiny pencil sketch is from JP Neang who was showing off these amazing paper sculptures, The signed card is for Gene Luen Yang’s new two part history of the Boxer Rebellion, the pins of Casey Jones and Michelangelo are from Jimmy Lam. He had a cool poster of pixel art Voltron too that I didn’t get. The ‘Vellicate’ card is from a collection of rare words that is put out by Lexigrams. Vellicate is a verb that means to touch lightly in order to excite, tickle, or titillate.

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Finally, there is the first collection of Spike’s Templar, Arizona in book form. This was a gift from Nich. Spike was nice enough to include a drawing on the inner cover, it’s NSFW. I’m not quite sure why she/he/we decided to draw a penis in there. I’m sure the story behind it is hilarious, if only I could remember it…

2013-10-13 11.13.45At least it’s a friendly one?

Well, there you have it! All the cool stuff I got from APE! Now if you’ll excuse me I’ve got some reading to do.



Author: Jonathon

Would rather be out swimming, running, or camping. Works in state government. Spent a youth reading genre-fiction; today, he is making up for it by reading large quantities of non-fiction literature. The fact that truth, in every way, is more fascinating than fiction still tickles him.

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