Summer Garden 2014 – The End

2014-08-21 07.18.07
Empty now

That’s it. We’re done. The garden was limping on as it was but this week the dogs decided to deliver the death blow. While playing in the backyard one of them ran through the netting, the other followed and decided the best place to assault each other was on top of my zucchini plant… That lasted for about 10 seconds, until about the time the two of the realized they were right next to a tomato plant. At that point the two of them began plucking cherry tomatoes right off the vine. 

Don't look so smug you two!
Don’t look so smug you two!

I only halfheartedly chased them out of the bed. The dogs were doing me a favor, driving the final nail into a project that D and I had mostly lost interest in due to the problem with pests and the poor growing conditions. We’ve talked a little about putting in a winter garden, the dogs aren’t interested in leafy greens and they don’t need as much light to grow. There is still the pest problem but the screens did a effective job of keeping them out as long as the dogs weren’t knocking them down. We’ll see though.

Final harvest
Final harvest
netting down, poles broken
netting down, poles broken
netting down, poles broken 2
netting down, poles broken 2
netting down, poles broken 3
netting down, poles broken 3
They also ate the single zucchini that was on the plant before tearing it up
They also ate the single zucchini that was on the plant before tearing it up

Author: Jonathon

Would rather be out swimming, running, or camping. Works in state government. Spent a youth reading genre-fiction; today, he is making up for it by reading large quantities of non-fiction literature. The fact that truth, in every way, is more fascinating than fiction still tickles him.

2 thoughts on “Summer Garden 2014 – The End”

  1. Funny but discouraging. The kale and collard seedlings at the nurseries do, however, look encouraging.

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