The Second Annual False(B)logic Book Giveaway Comes to and End

You’ll have to wait til next year’s giveaway to get your hands on more free books!
First, I want to thank all the people who spent a little bit of their time reading the blog over the last month! If I could afford to mail everyone a book I would but that is a little too rich from my blood! Second, thanks to those of you who entered and congratulations to all the winners. If you entered and didn’t win, I’m sorry about that and I hope’ll you will try again next year.

Second, a congratulations to the our last five winners: Andy, Austin, Pointzeroeight, Shivam, and Skoce! E-mails are on the way and as soon as I hear back from them their books will be going out as well.

Finally, False(B)logic is returning to its regularly scheduled posts of video games, books, gardening, and some my own private projects. I’m especially excited about Star**** **Oop**s, a poetry project. Please check it! As wells as subscribe to the RSS feed for the blog as well!

Thanks again!

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