Beer Review: New Belgium’s Coconut Curry Hefeweizen

2013-11-20 20.13.01

From the bottle:

The list of spices in this coconut curry hefeweizen is almost as long as the list of awards bestowed on homebrewer, Remi Bonnart. Together, we brewed up a traditional German-style wheat beer whose fruity esters and spicy phenols pair perfectly with the spicy and fruity character of curry spices. Pour yourself a plateful.

From New Belgium’s website:

The aroma is bold and big with coconut and curry tones and a hint of banana from the hefe yeast. With a vast spice list of cinnamon, coriander, fenugreek, ginger, kaffir lime, and cayenne pepper this beer carries a bit of heat but the alcohol soothes the finish. Coconut Curry Hefe will leave an inquisitive smile on the drinker’s mug.

From my notes:

Lovely opaque strawberry blonde color with a white, large bubbled head and nice lacing. Malt and spices on the nose with a hint of coconut and citrus. Coconut milk comes through in the taste as well as several spices. Things are getting complicated here… A little bitter on the finish.

2013-11-20 20.14.00

I’m not sure if I understand all that was going on with this beer. Both the smell and taste were very complicated and messy, it got hard to tell what I was tasting… Different. Not different bad. But, I don’t know if I could say different good either. This beer tastes almost too like Thai curry to be enjoyable. I’m glad I tried it but I don’t know if I’ll ever want to drink it again.

Rating (out of 5):

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