Beer Review: Ninkasi Brewing’s Sleigh’r

2013-12-27 18.34.32From the label:

A delicious Northwest seasonal brewed with winter in mind. A dark double alt ale, malty and delicious, it’s sure to keep the winter at bay. And yes, Sleigh’r does rock!

From my notes:

Pours a dark brown, caramel with a thick, very fine bubbled head that leaves lace along the glass walls. Not a lot on the nose some malt, some barley. Toasty on the tongue, chocolate, caramel, and cherry notes finishes with some mild bitterness. Smooth considering the amount of alcohol, very little carbonation.

2013-12-27 18.35.33I don’t know if anything is particularly “metal” about this beer… It’s a good altbierĀ but nothing stood out for me. I wish there was just more to it. Well, except for the ABV… Plenty of that in Sleigh’r!

Rating (out of five):

Ninkasi Brewing Company’s Sterling Pils

2013-09-01 18.55.50


This has been sitting in my fridge for longer than I’m comfortable with. Before you get freaked out about beers sitting in the door shelf of a refrigerator for years at a time, let me clarify what “longer than I am comfortable” means in my house: about a week. That just won’t stand! So, down it had to go. A cold beer is also a nice way to end a day of weekend working.

At this point you already know the format so let’s just dive in!

From the can:

Sterling Pils is a German style Pilsner brewed with North American ingredients – including Sterling hops from Washington, Premium Pilsner malt from Montana and Idaho and some of the best brewing water in the world from the Pacific Northwest

From my notes:

Looks just how you want your Pilsner’s to look: cloudy straw and lots of carbonation. Smells of some malt and maybe yest. Sweet, but very subtle. Some white, velvety head that quickly dissipates. Crisp and refreshing, very drinkable! Tastes crisp, grassy, with some crackeriness (that’s the light malts and yeast, I think) Nice hop finish that lasts… Complexity in the finish, earthy and herby with some spice.

That book is where I make my beer notes. It is a fancy moleskine beer journal my wife bought me. She is the best wife.
That book is where I make my beer notes. It is a fancy moleskine beer journal my wife bought me. She is the best wife.

A perfectly serviceable beer! If not the best Pilsner I’ve ever had. And, since it isn’t I don’t see myself drinking very much of it in the future!

Rating (out of five):



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