Beer of the Week 52: PranQster


North Coast Brewing Company’s Pranqster Belgium Style Golden Ale

From the bottle:

Belgian ales represent the height of the brewers’ art, with sophisticated brewing techniques, yeast blends, and unique flavorings. PranQster follows in this tradition using a mixed culture of antique yeast strains that produces a floral nose, full fruity flavor, and clean finish.

From my notes:

Cloudy, with a straw-like complexion. Thin fine white head. High carbonation. Malt sweet, spices, yeast. Tastes delicious. Tropical fruit, malt sweet, pepper, and cloves on the tongue. Did I saw it was delicious? Crisp finish, smooth, no hops.

Did I say it was delicious?

Belgian Ales are strong and complex enough to stand up to whatever you want to pair them with. PranQster is an excellent example of a Belgian Strong Pale Ale, lots of flavor and spice in the brew. Just be careful because with an ABV of 7.6% you’re not going to be chugging these down. PranQster is a sipping beer!

In other news, this is my 52nd beer. A year in beer if you will. And as much as I enjoy beer and writing up these short reviews. I think a 52 is a good number to end on. Thanks for following the blog as I reviewed them. I don’t know what my next project will be but I hope you’ll continue reading!

Rating (out of five):

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