Cocktail of the Week: The Godfather

The Godfather

At the beginning of last year I made a variation on the Godfather that swapped out the Scotch for bourbon. I was initially excited to try the drink but in the end I didn’t like it much, even after mellowing the cocktail down with some cream. My initial experience with the Godfather has kept me away from the cocktail since then. But, since I’ve picked up some Scotch I decided to give the drink another try. Relax, I didn’t use the Laphroaig for this drink. I’m positive I’d receive death threats from more than one of my friends if I did that…

The Godfather
The ingredients

The Godfather

  • 1 1/6 oz. Scotch whisky
  • 1 1/6 oz. Amaretto

Pour ingredients into a old fashioned glass filled with ice cubes. Stir gently.

The Godfather

It’s interesting to reflect on my thoughts about this cocktail and what I wrote in that link above almost a year ago. I wonder if my palate has become more discerning or if it’s the simple substitution of the Scotch and Bourbon that makes the difference but whichever it was I thoroughly enjoyed this cocktail. The smokiness of the Scotch works wonderfully with the nutty sweetness of the Disarrono to make this drink go down smoothly. Makes me wish I was in a cabin up in the Sierra Nevadas sitting outside watching the sunset sipping on this. Maybe someday.

Cocktail of the Week: Penicillin


A friend recently made the comment that most of the cocktails I make seem to be sweet. Looking over my recent posts that is most certainly true! But it wasn’t by design and now that it has been pointed out to me I’ll be sure to mix it up (get it?) a little more here starting with this week’s cocktail, Penicillin. This cocktail was created by New York bartender Sam Ross in 2005 in an effort to dilute the taboo against using single malts in mixed drinks. What he came up with is a delicious blend of the bright, warm tastes of lemon, honey, and ginger with the peaty smokiness of an Islay Scotch. Think of a cool hot toddy and you’re almost there.

The ingredients


  • 2 oz. blended Scotch whisky
  • 3/4 oz. fresh lemon juice
  • 3/4 oz. honey syrup
  • 3 slices of fresh ginger
  • 1/4 oz. Islay single malt Scotch

Muddle the ginger slices in shaker until well mashed. Add blended Scotch, lemon juice, and honey syrup to shaker. Fill shaker with ice. Shake until well chilled. Strain into an ice filled rocks glass. Float the Islay Scotch over the drink by pouring it over the back of a bar spoon onto the drink.


Wow, I was not expecting this! In fact, I was near certain this cocktail would be terrible due to the almost overpowering peaty smokiness of the Laphroaig. I couldn’t have been more wrong. The Penicillin is refreshing, smooth, with this wonderfully subtle woody smokiness that plays about the nose. Sorry, Moscow Mule but you may have just been replaced!

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