Let’s Play the Secret of Monkey Island, Part 2

Three Ring Circus

We last left our wanna-be pirate, Guybrush Threepwood, heading towards a clearing in the center of Melee Island. Let’s re-join him now and see what he found:

A circus? Guybrush looks inside but only gets the impression that:

So, with that he heads in!

Before this goes on any longer:

The two colorful fellows waste no time in trying to get Guybrush to join the circus:

These guys seem really excited about their circus trick…


These guys really, really like to talk…

“Is that really ALL there is to it?!”

Ma Threepwood didn’t raise no dummy though:

“A helmet? I thought you said it was safe?”

Ok, let’s add ‘get a helmet’ to the to-do list… With nothing else to do at the Circus, Guybrush leaves.

Bellying up to the SCUMM BAR

There’s only one place on the island Guybrush hasn’t been to yet. Well, one accessible place that damn troll…

I wonder what could be there?

I guess we’ll have to find out later… With nothing else to do Guybrish returns to the town he started in:

And what do you know! The SCUMM BAR is there! He walked right past it before!

Pirates really know how to have fun! Guybrush tries to talk to some of the pirates:

He tries the next table:

OH GOD! Your FACE!?!


Play LOOM!

Guybrush finds another Pirate to talk to:

Well, Guys, I think we can all agree that I should stop playing this game, you should stop reading this LP, and we should ALL go play LOOM!

But, enough of these Pirate Chumps! We need to find and talk to the Head Pirates! But where are they?

Aha! There they are! I wonder what wisdom we can learn from them! I wonder if they’ll make Guybrush a pirate? Guess, we’ll find out next week!

Things to do:

Go to the SCUMM Bar
– Talk to the Head Pirates
– Get a map
– Explore that alley
– Find a way past those poodles
– find a way past that troll
– Get a helmet
– Find a way to visit Hook Island
– Become a Pirate

Author: Jonathon

Would rather be out swimming, running, or camping. Works in state government. Spent a youth reading genre-fiction; today, he is making up for it by reading large quantities of non-fiction literature. The fact that truth, in every way, is more fascinating than fiction still tickles him.

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