An End To 2017 – Video Games Completed

Video Games Completed 2017
Atari 2600 Collection, Portland Retro Gaming Expo, 2017
Because this is now an annual thing that I do. Because I can’t help myself from keeping stupid lists. Because my backlog never seems to shrink. Here is the list of video games I completed in 2017.
Unlike 2016 not much stands out. The new Mario is a highlight, Bloodborne was fantastic. For new releases that is about all that I can really recall. I finally finished Star Control II after having it in the ‘to play’ pile for literally decades. Other games that have been sitting in the pile for far too long, like Pharoah and the Star Wars Dark Forces series, also got scratched off the list. Last year was also different in that it bucked the trend of less and less that has been the norm.
Regardless, you’ll find below the fold my list of completed games for last year. I wish I remembered more of them. Actually, I wish I’d find some sort of useful pastime… =P

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Video Games Completed – Wrapping up 2016

Video Games Completed 2016

Since I began tracking this the number of video games completed has gone down year after year, except for the outlier year of 2014 (what was going on that year?) I only played 36 games in all of 2016. That number isn’t very large but the quality of game I played this year was very high. The Uncharted Series, Dark Souls 2 and 3, the new Kirby, Dragon Quest Builders (my Game of the Year). I may not have the time I once did to pursue this hobby but the time I can dedicate to it is being taken up with some really phenomenal work.

I may not have the time I once did to pursue this hobby but the time I can dedicate to it is being taken up with some really phenomenal work. Browsing through this list I’m hard-pressed to find a game that I was disappointed in or found objectively bad.

With that here is the list of video games completed in 2016:

Continue reading “Video Games Completed – Wrapping up 2016”

Let’s Play Quest for Glory 4 – Part 12

Rehydration Formula

A short update this week. With hopefully a longer one coming next! After finding out that Bonehead wants to be one of the cool kids we head back to town and talk to Dr. Cranium. Why do I keep talking to this crazy guy? Well, everyday he will give us poison pills and a health potion so it’s good to stop in. But, if you recall, he also mentioned a rehydration formula he had been working on and that is something that Garcon most definitely wants!

Quest for Glory Quest for Glory Quest for Glory

This is the copyright protection schtick again…

Quest for Glory Quest for Glory

Of course you do. Nothing is free in this world, is it? Even though we just gave you some yesterday. We agree to the request anyway and head back out into the valley.

Quest for Glory

On the way to the slime pond, Perseii stops at the swamp right next to it for something else that might come in handy later:

Quest for Glory Quest for Glory Quest for Glory

You never know when the remains of a dead human will come in handy! We pick up the slime and return to Dr. Cranium:

Quest for Glory Quest for Glory

With this we can advance the Domovoi plot. What is that you say? I’ll remind you next time!

Let’s Play Quest for Glory 4 – Part 11

Wind Bags

After speaking with the Gnome Garcon goes downstairs to once again speak with the local yokels:

Quest for Glory Quest for Glory Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory Quest for Glory Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory Quest for Glory Quest for Glory

Yes, truly Mordavia was once a wonderful place… With nothing more to say Perseii goes to bed. But, he doesn’t sleep until morning but rather rests a few hours until he is sure everyone in the inn is asleep. He heads downstairs to speak with the Domovoi: Continue reading “Let’s Play Quest for Glory 4 – Part 11”

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