Working Out – Wrapping up 2016

Working Out

2016 was not a good year for me. I did not have anywhere near the pool or running time that I had in 2015. 2017 is off to an even worse start (more like middle now…) Life transitions can be hard on your routine and a new living space and a new job have both wrecked my workout schedule. This has been compounded by me having difficulties in finding the motivation to workout consistently.

These are areas I’ve identified for improvement…

Anyway here is my working out broken down by month for 2016. Miles are for distance ran and yards are for how much I swam.

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Video Games Completed – Wrapping up 2016

Video Games Completed 2016

Since I began tracking this the number of video games completed has gone down year after year, except for the outlier year of 2014 (what was going on that year?) I only played 36 games in all of 2016. That number isn’t very large but the quality of game I played this year was very high. The Uncharted Series, Dark Souls 2 and 3, the new Kirby, Dragon Quest Builders (my Game of the Year). I may not have the time I once did to pursue this hobby but the time I can dedicate to it is being taken up with some really phenomenal work.

I may not have the time I once did to pursue this hobby but the time I can dedicate to it is being taken up with some really phenomenal work. Browsing through this list I’m hard-pressed to find a game that I was disappointed in or found objectively bad.

With that here is the list of video games completed in 2016:

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Television Watched – Wrapping up 2016

TV 2016
Image by Gawker

Last year (link below) I commented on the very large amount of TV that I watched over the course of 2015. I said that I wanted to watch less TV and do more of other things or try and make TV a more social activity. I did watch less TV in 2016 and near the end of the year, I did begin watching it more socially with friends. I can’t say that the time I freed up not watching TV went towards more ‘useful’ projects though…

Stand outs for 2016? I’m upset there is no more Poirot for me to watch. House of Cards got weird. I want more Galavant. I need more cooking shows and Top Gear is very, very addictive. Clickthrough to see the list.

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Movies Watched – Wrapping up 2016

Movies watched

This is the third year that I’ve tracked all the tv shows and movies I watched over the year. It was my best year for movies so far, but that was because I watched a movie every night in the month of October to celebrate the Halloween season. It was a fun experience, I even wrote up reviews for all of them but I don’t know if I would do it again this year. I worry there aren’t another 31 horror movies out there that I want to see.

I was looking for a theme or some overarching impulse that tied together my viewing for the year but I’m at a loss to find one. Top Gear took over the last part of the year while my re-watch (and re-read) of Harry Potter dominated the beginning.

Continue reading “Movies Watched – Wrapping up 2016”

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