Television Watched – Wrapping up 2016

TV 2016
Image by Gawker

Last year (link below) I commented on the very large amount of TV that I watched over the course of 2015. I said that I wanted to watch less TV and do more of other things or try and make TV a more social activity. I did watch less TV in 2016 and near the end of the year, I did begin watching it more socially with friends. I can’t say that the time I freed up not watching TV went towards more ‘useful’ projects though…

Stand outs for 2016? I’m upset there is no more Poirot for me to watch. House of Cards got weird. I want more Galavant. I need more cooking shows and Top Gear is very, very addictive. Clickthrough to see the list.

Television Show Seasons Watched by Month

January (2)
Always Sunny in Philadelphia Season 10
Agatha Christie’s Poirot Season 13

February (1)
Parks and Rec Season 7

March (3)
House of Cards Season 1
House of Cards Season 2
House of Cards Season 3

April (1)
Archer Season 6

May (4)
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt Season 2
Bob’s Burger’s Season 5
Cooked Season 1
House of Cards Season 4

June (1)
Voltron Season 1

July (5)
Farscape Season 4
Bullshit Season 1
Cutthroat Kitchen Season 1
Cutthroat Kitchen Season 2
Cutthroat Kitchen Season 3

August (5)
BoJack Horseman Season 3
Blue Bloods Season 1
Blue Bloods Season 2
Blue Bloods Season 3
Cutthroat Kitchen Season 4

September (9)
Blue Bloods Season 4
Blue Bloods Season 5
Blue Bloods Season 6
Stranger Things Season 1
Blacklist Season 3
Galavant Season 1
Galavant Season 2
Portlandia Season 6
Longmire Season 5

October (1)
Longmire Season 5

November (5)
Supernatural Season 11
iZombie Season 2
Black Mirror Season 1
Top Gear Season 18
Top Gear Season 19

December (4)
Black Mirror Season 2
Top Gear Season 20
Top Gear Season 21
Top gear Season 22

2016 year-end total: 40 TV Show seasons

2015:70 TV Show seasons
2014: 47 TV show season

Author: Jonathon

Would rather be out swimming, running, or camping. Works in state government. Spent a youth reading genre-fiction; today, he is making up for it by reading large quantities of non-fiction literature. The fact that truth, in every way, is more fascinating than fiction still tickles him.

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