Let’s Play Quest for Glory 4 – Part 11

Wind Bags

After speaking with the Gnome Garcon goes downstairs to once again speak with the local yokels:

Quest for Glory Quest for Glory Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory Quest for Glory Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory Quest for Glory Quest for Glory

Yes, truly Mordavia was once a wonderful place… With nothing more to say Perseii goes to bed. But, he doesn’t sleep until morning but rather rests a few hours until he is sure everyone in the inn is asleep. He heads downstairs to speak with the Domovoi:

Quest for Glory Quest for Glory Quest for Glory

Jackson tries to impress the Domovoi with his heroic deeds:

Quest for Glory Quest for Glory


Quest for Glory Quest for Glory


Quest for Glory Quest for Glory Quest for Glory


Quest for Glory Quest for Glory

(This is the dehydrated Domovoi we noticed in that case in the Monastery)


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Revelations and Dreams


Quest for Glory Quest for Glory


Quest for Glory Quest for Glory Quest for Glory

No Mordavia:

Quest for Glory

No One Alive:

Quest for Glory

Finally the Domovoi has this to say as we bid him a good night:

Quest for Glory

Despite having a very busy day, and night, Danar just can’t get any rest as his sleep is filled with strange voices:

Quest for Glory Quest for Glory Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory Quest for Glory Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory Quest for Glory

OMINOUS! With his dream over Seepgood sleeps until morning. His first stop of the day is Dr. Cranium’s:

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Quest for Glory Quest for Glory


Quest for Glory

That might be helpful…


Quest for Glory Quest for Glory


Quest for Glory

Experimental Science

Garcon continues plumb the depths of Dr. Cranium’s madness.


Quest for Glory


Quest for Glory


Quest for Glory Quest for Glory Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory Quest for Glory

This is clearly Erana’s garden and now we know how the Bonsai bush ended up in the puddle of slime. I don’t know what the good doctor expected to learn from that little experiment…?

Since we have some on us and the guy seems to be interested in it Perseii hands the doctor some of the goo he picked up from the slimy area:

Quest for Glory

He gives us a few coins for the stuff. We then relate to him our adventures in Shapier:

Quest for Glory Quest for Glory Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory

We ask him again about the dream and the rehydration solution:

Quest for Glory Quest for Glory

But, he doesn’t seem to have anything more to say on the subject now. Cranium doesn’t seem to have anything more to say right now and so we leave and head out for Baba Yaga’s hut to talk to Bonehead about the Gnome. On the way we run into a new enemy, the wyvern:

Quest for Glory Quest for Glory Quest for Glory

The wyvern did poison us though. That is why our health bar is a bright highlighter green color. Thankfully, we’ve already got some poison pills from the Doctor and so take them:

Quest for Glory

Eventually Danar makes his way back to Bonehead:

Quest for Glory Quest for Glory


Quest for Glory

Baba Yaga:

Quest for Glory Quest for Glory

Dark Magic:

Quest for Glory Quest for Glory

This Valley is just full of BAD NEWS

Dark One:

Quest for Glory Quest for Glory Quest for Glory


Quest for Glory

“Surria, huh? That couldn’t be anything like Russia could it?”


Quest for Glory Quest for Glory

After pumping the skull for information Jackson gets around to telling him why he is there:

Quest for Glory Quest for Glory Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory

Well, that’s even more vague than is usual in adventure games…

Turn in next week. When our hero starts to follow up on all these loose ends he’s found all over this cursed valley!

Author: Jonathon

Would rather be out swimming, running, or camping. Works in state government. Spent a youth reading genre-fiction; today, he is making up for it by reading large quantities of non-fiction literature. The fact that truth, in every way, is more fascinating than fiction still tickles him.

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