Best Cheeseburger in Davis: De Vere’s

Best Burger in Davis de Vere's
de Vere’s Irish Pub’s Bacon Cheeseburger (sans bacon)

Let’s try this again… de Vere’s is relatively new to Davis, the original restaurant is in Sacramento and a regular watering hole for politicos due to its proximity to the Capitol. The Davis location, while serving the same fare, has a very different feel. I’ve eaten at both locations multiple time and have always enjoyed the food. Though, I will say now that if you can get a table outside at the Davis location you’ll be better off for it. The acoustics inside aren’t great and the restaurant can be half empty but still sound as if crowds of people are yelling inside of it. I will admit that I’ve been looking forward to this burger. de Vere’s BLT with fried egg is one of my favorite sandwiches of all time…

Full disclosure I know one of the owners of the restaurant. I don’t think that affected my rating though.

Best Burger in Davis de Vere's

The Review

Patty (26/35) – Ordered medium rare, came out medium. Well seasoned – peppery with a hint of garlic. Not too oily or greasy. No gristle. Good bite nice and moist.

Cheese (25/25) – What excellent cheddar! Nice sharp taste. Works great with the patty! Really pops. Love it.

Bun (15/15) – Another great bun! Soft pretzel bun, lots of flavor. Absorbs liquids from patty and toppings. Holds up. Fluffy without being all air.

Toppings (13/15) – Great red onions, butterleaf lettuce (finally!), more than one tomato slice. No pickle on the burger. Just a dill spear on the side. All fresh and crisp!

Condiments (5/10) – Good mayo spread on the top bun. No mustard on the burger?! No mustard on the table?! Mayo was lost among the strong tastes of burger, cheese, and bun.

Ambiance (8/*) – Very nice setting. Sitting outside on a spring day it is just lovely. Staff was friendly if a little slow.

Total (93/100) – A solid, delicious burger with only a few flaws. Great setting as well (eat outside), friendly service. Not a bad deal for $13.00. If you’re curious about the sides the “chips” were thick and tasty with peels on! You can get a salad or soup if you want instead.

Best Burger in Davis de Vere's
de Vere’s house “chips.”

Author: Jonathon

Would rather be out swimming, running, or camping. Works in state government. Spent a youth reading genre-fiction; today, he is making up for it by reading large quantities of non-fiction literature. The fact that truth, in every way, is more fascinating than fiction still tickles him.

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