Summer Garden 2014 – August Report

2014-07-31 18.22.38
Not from our garden…

Oh, it’s August! I wonder how the garden is doing? Um, not well. I don’t know of it’s the ravaging rabbits, the overgrown shade trees, or our frolicking puppies but our backyard garden is not doing very well. In the last two months I think we’ve had maybe a dozen cherry tomatoes, five jalapenos, and a single zucchini:

This was what I picked this week from our garden
This was what I picked this week from our garden

One of our eggplants has been completely eaten, the other is a stunted little plant with a sad, stunted little piece of fruit on it. One of our jalapeno plants hasn’t even flowered yet. The zucchini plant flowers but has yet to produce anything but that single piece of fruit. Two cucumber plants are flowering, one is growing quite prolifically, but neither has produced any food.

sad eggplant
sad eggplant

Things are okay though! D switched labs recently and her new lab has a garden plot on campus! The plot has melons, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, corn, squash, and tomatoes growing in it. Anyone in the lab is welcome to pick as much as they want as often they want. That is where all the produce in the picture at the top is from!

D's Lab plot. Not very photogenic
D’s Lab plot. Not very photogenic
Still doesn't look that great
Still doesn’t look that great

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