Festivus 2014


Another holiday season means another Festivus gift exchange (you can see previous ones here, here, here, and here). This year was just as fantastic and wonderful as every other year! I’m constantly surprised and heartened by the generosity of the people over at The Return of Talking Time. Let’s get started! Continue reading “Festivus 2014”

APE 2013: The Convention Hall

The Convention Hall
The Convention Hall

The Alternative Press Expo is the flipside of Comicon. Where Comicon is the convention to go to when you want to see what Marvel and DC are doing, where new movies are debuted, where cartoons and videogames are announced, and where celebrity actors with fans. APE doesn’t have any of that. APE is a place where self-publishers and alternative and independent creators can show their work off without having to compete major publishers and movie studios. I like the fact that when I walk on the floor and browse the booths I don’t recognize any of the comics or their creators! APE is a great place to see new things and meet new people.

I also want to thank my friend and comics aficionado, Nich Maragos, for being my guide every year at APE! Guy bought a ton of comics this year too. I’m not joking his bag was overflowing and he was having trouble carrying it around. I’m really looking forward to seeing his reviews over at his blog, Comic for Comics’ Sake.

Now look at all these pictures! (Not as many pictures as I should have taken…)

I thought these were hilarious
I thought these were hilarious

Continue reading “APE 2013: The Convention Hall”

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