False Four: Springtime

Springtime music

Springtime movies

  • Bambi – I can’t think of a more appropriate film for the season.
  • Field of Dreams – This could be a summer film as well. But Spring seems to be the season I associate most with the sport of Baseball. A wonderful story about a man who misses his father and the sport that connected them.
  • Seven Brides for Seven Brothers – Guess it shows I was raised by someone who loved musicals. This story centers around a family of brothers who steal themselves wives… Yeah, it’s pretty great.
  • The Producers – A delightful and light musical that features “Springtime for Hitler.”

Springtime books

  • Pawn of Prophecy – The first book in David Edding’s Belgariad pentalogy. I don’t know if I can say this is a good book. I just know that I read it every spring for about 15 years of my life. My thoughts and concepts of Spring as a season are inexorably tied up with this book.
  • The Secret Garden – A young orphan and her ailing cousin healed by the power of Nature’s ability to re-grow an overcome adversity. A perfect book for the season.
  • The Odyssey – There isn’t anything particularly “springish” about Homer’s epic poem about the trials of the Greek hero Odysseus as he tries to make his way home from Asia Minor to the island of Ithaca. Spring seems like the ideal time to read the poem and the growth of Odysseus from trope ‘hero’ to conflicted man, loving father and dutiful husband is reminiscent of the new growth we see in this season.
  • The Cat in the Hat – Dr. Seuss’ most famous book! The rains that keep our two protagonists in always seemed to be spring rains to me an t

Springtime dates

  • Day hike – With the weather warming up it’s time to get out of the house and get some exercise. Whether it be an urban adventure or among the great outdoors. Hiking is an excellent way to learn about and spend time with that special someone in your life.
  • Picnic in the Park – Skip the resturants and cafes during Spring and instead pack a basket full of fresh bread, fruits, and a cured meat and head out to your local park to soak up the wonders of the season.
  • Farmer’s Market Trip –  Turn a grocery store trip into an exciting outing to the local Farmer’s Market. Get to know your local food producers and sample their wares!
  • Evening stroll through your local arboretum or botanical gardens – Can’t get out into the Wilds? See if your town or city has an arboretum or botanical garden. Avoid the crowds an go just around sunset and surround yourself in the beauty of a Spring evening.
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