An End to 2017 – Television and Movies Watched

The two things that stand out in my viewings for 2017 are Game of Thrones and the Great British Baking Show. I finally caved in and joined the rest of the world and watched through GoT. And that probably would have been my highlight of the year if it wasn’t for the Great British Baking Show. What a lovely departure from the race to the bottom, zero-sum aesthetic of every other “reality” show on the air. What a cheery and uplifting change from what’s usually on the television. Coco was also embraced this even making the world of the dead more lively, cheerful, colorful, and hopeful than the world we see usually portrayed on the silver screen.

I didn’t watch as much as last year, even though I did watch 31 horror movies in October again. Click-through for the list.

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