Let’s Play the Secret of Monkey Island, Part 20

An Undead Problem

Guybrush exits the Cannibal Village and then heads right back in:

The Secret of Monkey Island

“Yes. Yes I did.”

The Secret of Monkey Island
The Secret of Monkey Island The Secret of Monkey Island The Secret of Monkey Island
The Secret of Monkey Island

The Secret of Monkey Island The Secret of Monkey Island

Yeah, those guys…

The Secret of Monkey Island

“Are they the Secret of Monkey Island?”

The Secret of Monkey Island The Secret of Monkey Island
The Secret of Monkey Island

“Tell me more.”

Just One Root

“Sounds lovely.”

That’s the key we now have…

This is a little out of order, but it’s not as if we didn’t already know about the spat between the hermit and the cannibals, seeing as they left notes all over the bleeping island.

“It never is”

“Please, everyone knows pig Latin!”

What’s this thing I need to get through the catacombs?

Getting Ahead

“Wow, that’s kind of a lot creepier than eating people.”

“What if I asked really, really nicely?”

There’s got to be something Guybrush has on him that he can make a trade for? Let’s see, let’s see”

Sounds like just the thing we’re looking for!

“Yeah, yeah that’s the ticket! That’s exactly what it is!”

“Exactly! Why have a gross old head when you can have a brand new one?”

A Plan!

I like this idea too!

With the head and the key and the location of the entrance to the hells below Guybrush is ready to take on LeChuck and save Governor Marley! On the way there:

Well, that was story building but pointless! Next week we enter the Monkey’s mouth and hopefully find a root…


– reform mutinous crew
– Get the voodoo root
– Get navigator head
– Enter the Giant Monkey Head
– Confront LeChuck
– Kiss the Governor

Author: Jonathon

Would rather be out swimming, running, or camping. Works in state government. Spent a youth reading genre-fiction; today, he is making up for it by reading large quantities of non-fiction literature. The fact that truth, in every way, is more fascinating than fiction still tickles him.

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