Father Paddy’s Pub – Best Cocktail in Yolo

Father Paddy's Pub Whiskey Sour
Whiskey Sour, Father Paddy’s Pub, Woodland, CA, 2020

Father Paddy’s Pub- The Review

Taste (5/10) – Watery. Too much ice. Not bad though. You can really taste the whiskey. Has a harsh aftertaste

Presentation (3/5) – Half garnished. Nice straw color, though tending towards green.

Balance (3/5) – More sour than anything. They use fresh lime and lemon juice in their sour mix… I can taste that. The whiskey helps, but then so does the water.

Correctness (3/5) – No egg white, no orange slice, and they use limes in their sour mix.

Delivery (x/x) – N/A, I wasn’t able to sit at the bar or watch the bartender at work.

Total (14/25) – Average. It might have been a few points higher if I had been able to interact with the bartender. Not a bad whiskey sour, not a good whiskey sour. About what I’ve come to expect from most bars here in Yolo.

“Traditional” Whiskey Sour, Father Paddy’s Pub, Woodland, CA, 2020

Thoughts – As you can see from the picture above, Father Paddy’s cocktail menu has an actual Whiskey Sour on it! One that includes egg whites! If you’re going to have a Whiskey Sour at Paddy’s this would be the one to order. The whiskey in it is a little higher quality and they throw some bitters on the top. It’s tasty! The egg white though will cost you about $6.50. Or maybe that’s the better whiskey. Wish places would just make corrects drinks when you order them!


Father Paddy’s
The Project
The Criteria
The Bars

Author: Jonathon

Would rather be out swimming, running, or camping. Works in state government. Spent a youth reading genre-fiction; today, he is making up for it by reading large quantities of non-fiction literature. The fact that truth, in every way, is more fascinating than fiction still tickles him.

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