Best Cheeseburger in Davis: The Graduate

Best Burger in Davis the Graduate

The Graduate’s Undergrad Burger with Cheese

The Graduate has been in Davis for over 40 years. It’s a sports bar/restaurant/dance hall right across the street from the campus of UC Davis. Seeing how close they are to a college campus the food there doesn’t have to be good there for it to sell well. So, I wasn’t really optimistic about how this burger would rate. Though, I did have a few friends who were adamant that the burgers at the Grad not only weren’t bad but that they were actually good. I had doubts. They came along with me last weekend to check it out. This was my very first visit to the Graduate. I had managed to avoid it, and its dance floor, during my undergrad education and so had no experience with the location until that day.

Best Burger in Davis the Graduate
The Graduate’s Undergrad burger with Chili Cheese Fries

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